Website: www.ranuiessentials.co.nz | Facebook: RanuiEssentials | Phone: +64 027 336 4107

284c Dry River Road, RD1, Martinborough, NZ

Come and visit our shop on site, enjoy free tastings of our very own crafted Gin, Vodka and Liqueur. 

Lavender Season is in late December until mid January.

Check out hours on our Ranui Essentials | Facebook page


Our story begins in Martinborough, Wairarapa, East Coast of the North Island of New Zealand. You will Find Vineyards, Olive Groves and one small Lavender Farm known as Ranui Essentials

With its big skies, majestic mountains and rugged coast, the Wairarapa region is rich with natural beauty, and to top it all off, the local wines aren’t bad either. Located at the heart of the Classic New Zealand Wine trail, Ranui Essentials was established in 2012 as Tracy and Eric were exploring what products could compliment the region and sustain a dry Martinborough climate. This is just one of the reasons Ranui Essentials has obtained winning accolades for their essential oils and now they have some very unique alcohol products which you can taste onsite. 

On a small 10-acre block, and after experimenting with avocados and loosing over 600 lavender plants to wet clay soil. Tracy and Eric started again, tilling the paddock and preparing the soil. Today you will find in the late November – mid January months a purple haze as you drive up Dry River Road, nestled 8kms out of Martinborough overlooking the Wairarapa Tararua Ranges.

The shop is open most weekends with an assortment of lavender products, bone china, patchwork creations, homemade cards, linens and homespun baby wear all created by family and friends in the Wairarapa.

Tracy will take you on a tour of the farm and will explain the varieties they grow. Recently they have installed a lavender distillery which if you are lucky you may see in operation around harvest time.

In addition, you can have the pleasure of tasting Lavender Gin, Vodka and Liqueur, olive oil and you can acquire culinary lavender for cooking.

So, come and visit and enjoy not only the Lavender but our little Martinborough Village.


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