Martinborough Kindergarten
Martinborough Kindergarten is located in the Martinborough School grounds, surrounded by farmland and vineyards.
Our location helps make us part of the school community and means we can share resources and activities. This close relationship helps the transition to school for children and families.
We have our own vegetable gardens and worm farm and promote learning about environmental sustainability. We also use Te Reo Maori and Tikanga Maori in our daily routines and 'mat time' to support values of mutual respect and unity (kotahitanga).
Our programme encourages all children to be involved in a wide range of challenging and stimulating learning experiences which strengthen their problem solving and creative abilities.
Some features of our programme include:
Promoting physical activity, such as Athletics, Jump Jam, Gymnastics and Rippa Rugby.
We implement Teo Reo/Tikanga into our daily practise and have a kotahitanga mat time.
We are involved in school visits once a week, with children that are ready to transition to school.
email: Martinborough@wmkindergartens.org.nz ph: 06 306 8085