Walk through the pines above the lagoon at Castlepoint Scenic Reserve and follow the reserve boundary to the base of Castle Rock. Alternatively walk south along the lagoon edge and follow the track up through coastal grassland to meet the boundary track at the saddle. You'll be rewarded with spectacular views.
Getting there: Castlepoint is located on Wairarapa's east coast about 1 hour's drive from Masterton. Turn right into Te Ore Ore Road on the northern outskirts of Masterton. This road becomes the Masterton Castlepoint Road and leads directly to Castlepoint Scenic Reserve.

Honeycomb Rock is a spectacular outcrop on the Wairarapa coast, so named because of the cell-like weathering pattern which gives the rock a honeycomb appearance.
Getting there: Glenburn Station, the start of the walkway, is about 60 km east of Masterton. Follow the Gladstone Road to the Te Wharau Road junction about 1 km north of Gladstone. The road is signposted to Glenburn from here and passes through Te Wharau Settlement. A fur sea colony is located about halfway along the walk, on rocks adjacent to the Honeycomb light. Numbers peak during winter when they gather to rest and feed.

Start the track either from Onoke Spit, or from Ocean Beach. Ocean Beach is a small fishing settlement - there are houses and fishing boats but no stores (nearest gas station and food is Featherston). There is a 4WD track to Mukamuka stream, & on round the coast. Walking is fine, but there are locked gates to prevent vehicles from going down the track. Check out the historic Mukamuka Covenant memorial on the eastern side of Mukamuka stream. It is a wild & desolate coastline, so make sure you are adequately prepared for the trip.
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